Writing and Maths awards

10th July 2019
Writing and Maths awards
We have presented our summer term writing and maths awards - and want to say well done to all of our winners!
Writing awards were given to one child from each class who had shown real determination and enthusiasm for writing since April.  Each winner had a certificate and a letter to share with their parents at home.  A piece of their writing was read out to the rest of the school at a special assembly.
Maths awards were also presented to one child in each class.  We were recently told by some visitors that Maths at Eastlea was 'exciting' and this could certainly be seen with the comments made by staff about the pupils chosen for the summer awards - well done!
A special mention also to a pupil in Year 6 who was the first ever to reach Rock Hero status on the Times Tables Rockstars challenge!!  Congratulations!