Summer term maths and writing awards

11th July 2017
Summer Term Maths and Writing Awards
Well done to our award winners for maths and writing this term.  We have had recent assemblies to celebrate and recognise the hard work and enthusiasm shown by pupils from across the school in both of these subjects.
Class teachers chose one child from each class to win each of the awards - and for our writers a sample of their work was read out to the whole school; while comments made by teachers were read out about the maths award winners.
It is always lovely to celebrate the success of the pupils and to see their faces when they realise that they are the winner is superb!  Photos and work samples of our winners will be put up on the hall displays in the near future!
Congratulations to Scarlet, Andrew, Georgia, Katie, Joseph, William, Harry, Tegan, Darcey, Sophie, Lewis, Laura, Lucas, Grace, Sam and Ellie!