Harvest Festival

11th October 2016
On the afternoon of Tuesday 11th October 2016 we celebrated our Harvest festival.  Unfortunately the wet weather meant that we could not walk up to St Nicholas church - instead we held the event in the school hall.  We sang harvest hymns and heard bible readings and prayers from the older children.
Nearly everyone had brought an item of food into school  - a jar, a tin or a packet.  Mrs Buxton from St Nicholas church came to tell us all about how the Cramlington foodbank is organised and was very grateful for all the items which had been provided.  We learned that hundreds of parcels had been put together and distributed in the 4 years that the foodbank has been running - on average one per week.
After the festival some Year 6 volunteers helped to put all the tins and jars into boxes and they were taken up to church ready for when they are needed.
THANK YOU to everyone for your support!