Ofsted January 2025
17th February 2025
On 21st and 22nd January 2025 we had an Ofsted inspection at Eastlea. This is something the staff had been anticipating for a long time. Since our previous full inspection in July 2019 there have been several changes in the Ofsted framework and we have had to wait longer than expected for an inspector to tell us that we have maintained the ‘good’ standards identified 5½ years ago.
Our January 2025 inspection was UNGRADED and the written report is therefore very brief. It outlines the inspector’s findings in terms of quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, safeguarding and Early Years provision. A copy has been sent to every family – see below - and will be published on the Ofsted website.
We are all delighted with the written report and how well it sums up so perfectly what we aim to provide at Eastlea. To read that, “pupils enjoy their learning… they achieve well and have fun at this warm and welcoming school” is just what we wanted to hear! There were some lovely things written about the children which we shared with them in a special assembly.
I also want to place on record my thanks to YOU as parents and carers for the fantastic support which you provided in this process and the incredibly positive feedback which you gave to the inspector via the Ofsted parent view survey.
Mr Sugden was blown away by the number of responses to the questionnaire and almost every single one of them also included a very positive extra written comment about Eastlea. He said that the feedback was the best he had ever seen in the last 12 months of doing inspections. WOW!! THANK YOU!
As in all reports, Ofsted have indicated something we can do to improve further but we were very pleased that what he spotted is something we have already been working on!
Please take the time to read the short report in full. It really does reflect all aspects of what we aim to achieve at Eastlea, and just what a special place this is to be part of.
Yours sincerely, Miss E Beeston, Head Teacher