Headteacher Message

Eastlea Primary is located on Skipton Close (just off Durham Road), having moved here in September 2009 when I started as Head Teacher of Eastlea.  I know that everyone involved with the school is excited about the education we provide here and the many opportunities which are on offer for our children.

Admission arrangements for Eastlea can be found in our prospectus as well as on the Northumberland County council website within the First and Primary Schools admissions handbook.

The ethos which Eastlea has developed for 40  years of serving local families and providing support for all our pupils continues. All our teachers pride themselves on a thorough knowledge of their pupils so teaching is consistently purposeful and engaging. Involvement in a range of curriculum experiences is encouraged and we aim to provide activities which cater for a diversity of needs. The curriculum at Eastlea is in line with the National Curriculum and is regularly reviewed for all classes.  Further details for each year group can be seen in the 'about us - information and policies' section alongside our school prospectus.  Curriculum overviews are updated on a rolling programme each term.   If you require any further information about our curriculum or have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me in school.  Paper copies of information on our website can also be requested from school if required.

Our website gives you a flavour of what we offer at Eastlea Primary School. If you click on the link below to the Eastlea Facebook page this will give you an up-to-date view of all the many activities which the children take part in and the experiences which we provide.  A visit would tell you even more. Please accept this as my open invitation to drop in and see us in school. We would love to see you and you can be assured of a very warm welcome.

Miss E Beeston
Head Teacher