Admissions to join Eastlea
Eastlea Primary School is a single form entry establishment and as such we have one class in each year group. In line with Northumberland County Council's admissions policy, as outlined on the Northumberland County website, Reception children are normally admitted to school in the September following their fourth birthday (i.e. rising five). Our standard admission number is 30.
Every parent must express a preference school including those who attend our Nursery and those who are resident within the catchment area.
Children living in some streets beginning with the following letters are in the catchment area for Eastlea Primary School: B C D H K P but we have pupils from a far wider area than this attending!
If families wish to enrol their children in any year group at other times, then an 'in term admission' form needs to be completed on the county website to request a place. This form is available online from Northumberland County Council and should be completed and returned to them so that places can be allocated.
New families who are thinking of moving their children to join us are very welcome to visit the school by appointment.
We have a 39 place Nursery. Children are admitted to the Nursery in the term after their 3rd birthday. An introductory meeting/session is held before the end of the term before the pupils start so that the parents and children can get a feel for what goes on.
A Nursery application form needs to be completed if you wish your child to be admitted. These can be downloaded from this section of the website, or picked up from the school office. Completed forms must be emailed or handed in to the school and are filed in the order we receive them for the different Nursery intakes. We are able to offer both the standard 15 hour Nursery provision (children attending for morning sessions Monday to Friday, or afternoons for younger spring/summer intakes) or 30 hours (full days) in school for parents entitled to this provision for their child. Further details about the government entitlement for 30 hours can be obtained by ringing the school or popping into the school office.
For parents/carers/child minders with younger pre-Nursery age children we run a toddler group on Thursday mornings during term time in the school hall from 9am - 10.30am. For a nominal fee, your child(ren) can enjoy the opportunity to socialise with other toddlers and make new friends before starting at Nursery. Further details about the Owlets an be sought from Mrs Holdsworth in the school office.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01670 732261 if there is any point you wish to discuss.
There is one secondary school in Cramlington (Cramlington Learning Village). We have strong partnership links with this school and the vast majority of our pupils transfer here after completion of Year 6.