Sports Leaders

Year 6 Sports Leaders
Each year we offer the opportunity for our Year 6 pupils to become Sports Leaders.  Many of them take up the offer and they are given training and support to complete the role which involves:
  • working with children in Reception and KS1 to lead and organise games in the playground
  • supporting staff who bring the younger children in from the yard at the end of lunchtime
  • reading stories with small groups either in the classroom or in our story telling area
  • supporting with games and activites in the classroom when we have wet lunchtimes
The Year 6 pupils work in groups of 3/4 to complete their 'sports leader' duties on a rota each lunchtime.  They have a reward chart with stickers added when their job is done each week.
The sports leaders work to earn certificates for bronze, silver and gold awards for this role and when they reach this stage they earn the right to wear a special Eastlea sports leader t shirt at lunchtimes.  After this they continue to aim for certificates of merit for their outstanding contribution to making lunchtimes run smoothly.